bit gmbh


bit GmbH

represented by Anja-Maria Bartels, Managing Director

Erikastraße 115
20251 Hamburg

Phone:  +49 (40) 460 95 431
Fax:      +49 (40) 460 95 430

Registered at Hamburg District Court: HRB 71580
VAT ID No. 26 876 03845

Design + Programming
Markus Heyne /

Data protection
The protection of your private domain and personally identifiable information is an important concern for us. Therefore, we conduct our internet activity entirely by adhering to existing applicable data protection laws. Offers and requests via our website may ask for personal or business information that you consider to be private. As long as it is technically feasible and reasonable to do so, services offered on our website can be obtained without entering the requested data or by supplying anonymous information under a pseudonym. We consider any data you provide to us is done so voluntarily.

Notice of  liability
In spite of scrupulous content controls, bit claims no responsibility for the content of third party links. The owners of these links are totally responsible for their content. Therefore, bit absolutely rejects any liability for the content and claims of third party websites.

Bit’s website contents, as presented, are protected by law. They may only be used for the private purposes of bit. Any other use of their contents is illegal and punishable by law. The only exceptions are the “Downloads” that are offered on the website and which must be used in their original form.

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